


~~我为什么紧张? ~~

考试焦虑是一种非常真实的压力,它会影响一些学生在考试或考试中发挥最佳能力的能力. 而大多数人在考试中都会经历某种程度的焦虑, we don't have to be debilitated by it. 学会预期和管理考试焦虑对成功的学生来说是一项重要的技能.

Thinking about Test Anxiety
As a student, you will likely not be able to avoid tests. 知道了这一点, take some time to think about the causes of test-associated stress, 努力发展应对机制,这样考试焦虑就不会阻碍你的成功.


  • Not doing well threatens self-image.
  • Poor test grades pose a threat to your future goals.
  • Lack of preparation increases stress. 一些学生低估了他们准备考试所需的时间. (请记住,那些说他们“从不学习”的学生可能并没有说出全部真相.)

Develop coping mechanisms that may lessen your anxiety:

  • Develop successful study skills. 对自己需要多少时间学习和准备考试要现实一点.
  • Learn relaxation and visualization techniques.
  • Avoid negative self-talk.
  • 避免拖延. 很少有学生在考试前一晚死记硬背而不做任何准备,从而在考试中取得成功.
  • Identify and use resources.
  • 实践! 制定适合自己的应试策略,并在练习测试中复习材料.

成功的考生 . . .


  • Be realistic with your time. Set time aside for work, socializing, class time, and relaxation. Then, schedule in times you will study for each class. 一般来说,一门课每上一个小时的课就需要两个小时的学习时间. 例如,一个3单元的课程每周需要6小时的学习时间.
  • Pay attention to verbal and nonverbal clues given by the instructor. He or she will tell you which information is most important by:
    • Writing notes on the board or overhead,
    • 在一节课或一段时间内重复同样的信息;
    • Saying "This is important" or "You'll see this again,"
    • Using a raised voice or emphatic gestures,
    • Providing review sheets or printed study guides,
    • 指定特定的教科书页、复习问题或其他参考资料.
  • 做笔记并使用它们. 在课后很快重写课堂笔记可以帮助你保持笔记的清晰和有条理, and will reinforce the information, making it easier to remember in a test situation. 注明老师特别注意的信息,因为你可能会在考试中看到这些信息. 一些学生在笔记中使用不同的颜色或符号来代表不同的主题或信息类型. Such clues can help you link information together for easier recall.
  • Find and use available resources. 学术成功中心(中科院)为学生提供多种培养聪明学习习惯的方法. Check out some of these services:
    • 关键技能工作坊:支持各种写作技能的工作坊, 电脑使用情况, 学习技能领域.
    • Tutors: For a student to become a tutor, 他们必须表明他们在自己的学科领域是成功的,他们可以帮助别人养成学习习惯. In addition to their own strategies, 导师经过培训,可以识别学生的学习偏好,并帮助他们养成适合特定课程的学习习惯.
    • Study Groups: The Group Study Room in 中科院 offers a quiet, comfortable space for you to meet with others in your class. Working together to identify important points, 澄清问题, 为即将到来的考试复习是在相对较短的时间内学习材料的有力方法. 检查提示表成功地与学习小组合作,以确保你的学习小组是富有成效的.
    • 中科院的工作人员非常友好,总是愿意提供建议,并帮助您找到最适合您特定需求的服务. 联系安·香农, Learning Resource Specialist, 有关任何中科院服务和其他资源的信息:ShannonAn@dijialbum.net, 895 - 2306.
    • 有资格获得特殊服务的学生应该联系校园内的服务提供者,并调查与他们的项目相关的其他资源, bgi的, 需求方, 台面, 资深的办公室, 等.)

Employ Effective Test-Taking Strategies

  • Get a good night's sleep the night before a test.
  • 远离兴奋剂(但不要在你的习惯上做出巨大的改变).
  • Eat healthy food on a regular basis. 你的大脑需要良好的燃料,但不要在考试前改变你的饮食习惯.
  • Sit in the same seat you sit in during class.
  • Wear comfortable clothing, bring water, and BREATHE!
  • 不要拿起你的钢笔或铅笔,直到你浏览了整个测试,了解它的内容. Surprises on the last page are extra-stressful!
  • If the instructor permits it, jot down important formulas, 词汇表, or rules in the margins or on scratch paper. 把这些信息写在纸上可以让你更容易集中精力答题. Refer to these notes as needed.
  • 阅读说明书. 再读一遍. Many points have been lost due to lack of attention to directions.
  • 如果一个问题难住了你,跳过它,继续回答你更确定的问题. 在你跳过的问题上做个标记,这样你以后就能很容易地找到它们. 有时候,其他问题会给你一些线索,让你知道你不知道的问题.
  • If a question is confusing, ask the instructor for clarification.
  • 仔细阅读每一个问题,因为它与课程和老师的重点有关.
  • 根据每个问题或部分的分值来预算你的时间. Don't waste time on 1-pointers if you know the 10-point answers!
  • Try any extra credit problem you're given. 这些都是免费的,你可以得到的任何信息都可能有助于你的总分.
  • If time permits, check your work.
    • If you're using a Scantron answer sheet, make sure you've filled in the correct bubble for each response. Double-check that all erasures are complete.
    • As a general rule: If you studied, go with your first response. This is most often the best answer. Be careful about second-guessing yourself.
    • 在测试结束时,猜测任何你仍然不确定的项目, 只要你答错的分数不高于空的分数.


  •  Completion or Fill-in-the-Blank
    • Be sure your response fits grammatically in the sentence.
    • If you don't know the exact answer, make your best guess.
  •  文章
    • 为了准备论文考试,使用记忆法来记住主题的关键点.
    • 花几分钟的时间进行头脑风暴,为你的回答创建一个大纲.
    • 在考试结束时给自己留5分钟的时间来阅读你的文章,并做一些小的修改.
  •  匹配
    • Complete the easy items first.
    • Mark items off the list as you complete them, 消除一些选择(除非说明上说一个项目可以使用多次).
    • Save the ones you don't know for the last.
  •  多项选择
    • Read all choices given and select the best.
    • If all choices seem to be correct, select the most complete.
    • If you're unsure of which choice is best, eliminate those that seem wrong, then select between the remaining choices. 使用这种策略可以使你得到正确答案的机会加倍!
  •  真或假
    • If any part of the item is false, then it is a false statement.
    • Watch out for words such as "All," "Only," "Never," and "Always." Statements with these words are often false.

实践 积极的自我暗示

  • Take a look at the examples of negative vs. positive statements below. 在测试过程中保持积极的态度会对你的压力水平和成功产生巨大的影响. 
消极的自我对话 积极的自我暗示
"I'll never get finished." "Just take it one step at a time."
"If I miss this, I've really blown it." "Some tension is inevitable; no need to worry about it."
“我为什么这么紧张? I hate feeling like this. 我知道我要失败了." "I studied and I am confident I will do my best."
"Everyone else is doing better than me." “我很好. I am only concerned about myself." 
"If I fail this test, my life will fall apart." "Even if I don't do as well as I'd like, it's not the end of the world."
“我得赶紧了. Everyone else is finishing before me." "I'm going to take all the time I need. 如果我是最后一个完成的,这意味着我将比其他人做得更好."
“哦,不! I studied this one but my mind is just going blank!" "I'll skip this question and go on to some easier ones. I'll come back to it later."
"I know I missed the last answer. 我应该得到它的!" "Even if I miss a few questions, that doesn't bother me. I can still get a good grade."


Like any skill, test taking requires practice. If you're worried about test anxiety affecting your success in school, 把自己的小测验作为学习策略的一部分,并在一定的时间内完成. 有些老师甚至会给你一些例题或旧题来练习. 有一个朋友, 室友, 或者导师为你设置一个练习测试环境,并尝试上面介绍的策略. By developing a plan that you follow each time you take a test, you can overcome test anxiety and all your hard work will pay off!


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This 提示单 was adapted from material written by: Janice Watson, Northeast Gifted Education Center, 华盛顿, 唐娜·伦霍夫, 皇冠新现金网 Learning Center, 奥罗维尔, 加州.







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