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剽窃 is the theft of the 的想法 or writings of a不her person. A pretty clear-cut definition, right? Still, to many students, what exactly constitutes the 实践 of plagiarism is a little fuzzier. 例如,大多数人认为直接购买一篇学术论文就是剽窃. 大多数人都明白,从朋友那里“借”一篇论文并把它当作自己的(或为此目的“借”一篇)也是不诚实的. 大多数人都知道,他们应该在直接引用的地方加上引号,并引用这些来源. 然而, 许多学生不清楚一些最常见的行为构成学术剽窃的道德规范. 例如,许多人没有意识到以下行为也属于抄袭:

  • Failing to cite an 间接 quote or paraphrase
  • Failing to 大幅 paraphrase instead of just rewording
  • Failing to attribute the 的想法 or 结论 of a不her to their author
  • Failing to cite the authors or sources of information "copied & 贴” Internet sources
  • Failing to give credit to all 小组成员 for work done in collaboration with others


Even though most student plagiarism is probably unintentional, 为了学生的最大利益,他们应该意识到,不给应得的学分可能会带来严重的后果. 例如, at 皇冠新现金网, 一个学生即使被发现有一次学术不诚实行为,也可能面临他的导师或学院的以下一次或多次处罚:

  • Receive a failing grade on the assignment
  • Receive a failing grade in the course
  • Receive a formal reprimand
  • 被暂停
  • 被驱逐出境


Alarmed (or mystified)? 继续读下去!

My paraphrasing is plagiarized?
当然,原封不动地使用的短语应该用引号加上引用. But even paraphrasing must be attributed to the source whence it came, since it represents the 的想法 and 结论 of a不her person. Furthermore, your paraphrasing should address 不 only the 单词 但是, form, or structure, of the statement. 下面的例子是re单词(使用同义词),但没有重组原语句:

To study the challenge of increasing the food supply, reducing pollution, and encouraging economic growth, 地理学家必须问,一个地区的人口分布在哪里,为什么是这样的. 因此,我们对人文地理学的研究始于对人口的研究(Rubenstein 37)。.


Inadequately paraphrased (word substitution only) and uncited:
To increase food supplies, ensure cleaner air and water, and promote a strong economy, researchers must understand where in a region people choose to live and why. So human geography researchers start by studying populations.

This writer reworded a two-sentence quote. That makes it his, right? 错误的. Word substitution does 不 make a sentence, much less an 的想法, yours. Even if it were attributed to the author, this rewording is 不 enough; paraphrasing requires that you change the sentence structure as well as the 单词. Either quote the passage directly, or
大幅 change the original by incorporating the 的想法 the sentences represent into your own claim:

Adequately, 大幅 paraphrased and cited:
As Rubenstein points out, distribution studies like the ones mentioned above are at the heart of human geography; they are an essential first step in planning and controlling development (37).

也许避免不充分解释错误的最好方法是清楚地知道你自己的论文是什么. 然后,在使用任何来源之前,问自己,“这个观点支持我的论点吗? 如何?" This, after all, is the only reason to use any material in your paper. If your thesis is unclear in your own mind, 你更有可能过于依赖他人的陈述和想法. 然而,你在资料中找到的观点可能不能取代你自己深思熟虑的论文.

复制 & paste is plagiarism?
复制 & 粘贴抄袭是指学生从网络资源中选择并复制材料,然后直接粘贴到草稿纸上,而不注明出处. 复制 & 粘贴抄袭的部分原因可能是初中和高中的教学对抄袭问题不清楚或松懈. In technology-rich U.S. classrooms, students are routinely taught how to 复制 & paste their research from Internet sources into word processing documents. 不幸的是, 在如何正确归类这些借来的材料方面的指导和后续行动往往很少. 事实上,在互联网上发布的图片和文本(如音乐文件)是最重要的 intellectual property of their creators. 如果作者将他们的材料提供给您使用,您必须为他们的创作致谢. If you do 不, you are stealing.

如何 will my instructor know?
如果你想象你的老师不知道你抄袭了,想象一下你自己承担风险. 一些学校订阅了反剽窃网站,这些网站可以迅速将提交的论文与庞大的在线数据库进行比较,并返回搜索结果,列出被发现非原创短语的“点击”. 一些教师使用其他方法在网上搜索可疑短语,以便找到他们怀疑可能抄袭的工作的原始材料.

College instructors read hundreds of pages of published works every year. They know what is being written about their subject areas. At the same time, they read hundreds of pages of student-written papers. They know what student writing looks like. 作家, student or otherwise, 不会经常偏离自己的典型词汇和句子结构吗, 所以如果老师在你的论文中发现一个短语不像论文的其他部分那样“读”起来, he or she may become suspicious.

如果你需要的理由不仅仅是为了避免纪律后果, consider the following:

  • Citing is honest. It is the right thing to do.
  • 引用允许对你的主题感兴趣的读者通过访问你的来源和阅读更多的内容来跟进. (Hey, it 可以 happen!)
  • Citing shows off your research expertise-how deeply you read, how long you spent in the library stacks, how many different kinds of sources (books, 期刊, 数据库, and websites) you waded through.


如何 can I avoid plagiarism?
From the earliest stages of research, cultivate work habits that make accidental or lazy plagiarism less likely:


  • Be ready to take 不es 你的研究. Distinguish between direct quotes and your own summaries. 例如, use quotation marks or a different color pen for direct quotes, 这样你就不用再猜测这些词是你的还是别人的了. 对于你所阅读的每一个来源,记下作者、标题和出版信息 之前 you start taking 不es. 这样,你就不会因为很难追溯你的步骤而试图掩盖引文.
  • If you are reading an online source, 马上写下你正在阅读的那一页的完整网址(在你丢失那一页之前),这样你就可以稍后再回去查找书目信息. Look at the address carefully; you may have followed links off the website you originally accessed and be on an entirely different site. Many online documents posted on websites (rather than in online 期刊, 例如) are 不 clearly attributed to an author in a byline. 然而, even if a website does 不 name the author in a conspicuous place, it may do so elsewhere–at the very bottom/end of the document, 例如, or in a不her place on the website. Try clicking About Us to find the author. (无论如何, you should look in About Us for information about the site's sponsor, which you need to include in 作品的引用. The site sponsor may be the only author you find; you will cite it as an "institutional" author.) Even an anonymous Web source needs attribution to the website sponsor.

    Of course, instead of writing the above 不es longhand you 可以 复制 & paste into a "Notes" document for later use; just make sure you 复制 & paste the address and attribution information, too, and directly into your research paper
  • Try searching online for excerpts of your own writing. 搜索 using quotation marks around some of your key sentences or phrases; the search engine will search for the exact phrase rather than all the individual 单词 in the phrase. If you get "hits" suggesting plagiarism, even unintentional plagiarism, 点击原文的链接,这样你就可以正确地把这些词或想法归到作者的身上.
  • Early in the semester, 问你的导师讨论剽窃和他们对学生剽窃的政策. 例如,一些教师允许初犯后重写,但许多教师不允许. And most instructors will report even a first offense to the appropriate dean.
  • Be aware of the boundary between your own 的想法 and the 的想法 of other people. Do your own thinking. Make your own connections. Reach your own 结论. There really is no substitute for this process. 除了你自己,没有人能把你的特殊背景和经验运用到一个话题上, and your paper should reflect that.


Rubenstein, James M. The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography. Upper Saddle     River, NJ: Pearson Education. 2003.