


The following activities represent a thorough approach to reading a textbook, utilizing effective comprehension strategies that improve understanding and memory. The strategies are divided into three main parts: Pre-Reading, Reading, and Post-Reading.


1. Prepare yourself and your environment.

  • 给自己足够的 time.
    • Plan ahead - Break task into small parts.
    • Create a written schedule and stick to it.
  • 创建积极的 设置.
    • 使用良好的照明.
    • 坐在舒适的桌子旁.
    • Control distractions (noise, people, activity).
  • 手头有资源.
    • Have a pen or pencil and notepaper for taking notes.
    • 在桌子上放一本字典.
    • Have class handouts available for reference.


2. Know your purpose for reading this material.

  • 终极目标 - To be successful in your chosen career.
  • 长期目标 - To be successful achieving your academic goals in college.
  • 短期目标 - To be successful on this specific assignment.
    • 短期目标 is the task at hand.
    • Success with short-term goal leads to success in long-term and ultimate goals.
      • Must recognize and value that connection!
  • 识别 知识与技能 you hope to gain from this assignment.
    • 知识 -你要干什么? know 由于这个任务?
      • Theory, techniques, legal requirements.
    • 技能 -你要干什么? 能够做某事 由于这个任务?
      • Application of knowledge to real-life situations.


3. 建立心理基础.

  • Look at the title and predict what you will learn from the reading.
  • Introduce yourself to the chapter by quickly skimming 除了正文以外的所有内容 从头到尾.
    • Look at headings, summaries, 问题 at the end, anything in bold.
    • Note all illustrations, charts, graphs, and tables.
    • 读标题.
  • At this stage, do not make any attempt to memorize details.
  • 写 3-5 问题: What do you think you will need to know about this topic?



1. “轻松”阅读(略读本章)

  • If time allows, read (skim) the chapter quickly without taking notes or highlighting text. 无压力阅读.

2. “重”阅读

  • Read the chapter carefully, focusing on the main ideas of each section.
  • 强调重点. 在页边空白处做简短的笔记. 不要高亮显示.
  • Look up any words you do not understand. Keep a separate list of new vocabulary.
  • 总是问:我明白了吗?
  • Clarify any parts you do not understand by rereading if necessary.
  • Use resources to improve understanding (reference material, dictionary, class handouts).
  • Stop periodically to summarize main ideas in your mind as you go.
  • 问题 as you read (in the margin or on separate paper) for two purposes:
    • 写 问题 for follow-up that are not answered for you in the reading.
    • Anticipate how this information might appear as a test question.
  • Take short breaks from reading every 30-45 minutes or so.


3. “审查”阅读

  • 在每一个 section of the chapter, begin by reading the 问题 you wrote.
  • Now read through the chapter, section by section.
  • Use a highlighter to highlight only the information that now seems important to remember.
  • Add notes in the margin (or take separate notes) to reinforce important points.
  • Differentiate between concepts that you need to understand and details that you need to memorize. Make an organized list of concepts and details on a separate piece of paper, summarizing the concepts and categorizing the details.



1. 与信息交互

  • 寻求情感投入.
  • Look for a variety of methods to work with the information.
  • Take advantage of your own preferred learning styles.


2. 查看信息

  • 重复提高记忆力.
  • Use tools - flash cards, sticky notes, tape recorder.
  • 利用学习小组.


3. 用这些信息测试你自己

  • Think in terms of 问题 (including alternate wording of concepts).
  • 创建练习测试.
  • Test yourself and others in study groups.


Study Strategies: Suggestions for Post-Reading Activities

  • The more you interact with the material you are trying to learn, 你就越能理解它, 你了解得越多, 你就会记得越牢. 一些建议:


Summarize the chapter by making a list of all the topics covered

Make a list of terms you will need to know. Make a separate list of the definitions and match them

Summarize the chapter by creating an outline of main points and supporting details.

List each main point on a separate index card. Color-code them by category or importance. Arrange the cards on a table by category, importance, or sequence. Turn them over and try to remember them.

Make flash cards of important facts, as wells as terms and definitions.

Make flash cards with potential test 问题 on one side and answers on the back.

Create mnemonics in order to memorize key points or steps.

写 out a scenario describing how you would use the information in a real-life situation.

Explain the main points of the chapter to someone else. 让他们解释给你听.

Read your summary of the chapter (or notes) aloud and record it. 放回去听一听.

Create tables, graphs, or diagrams to illustrate difficult concepts from the chapter.

Create a practice test of ten 问题 for yourself. Set a timer and answer the 问题 quickly.

Ask a classmate to answer the test 问题 you created. Then answer your classmate's 问题.

Work together with a group to create several written exams. 自测并分享答案.

Work together with a group to create scenarios. Role-play the scenarios and evaluate each other.

After trying some of these strategies, go back and read the entire chapter one more time.


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