

The Board of Trustees recognizes that as citizens of the Butte-Glenn Community College District, students are free, 个人和集体, 表达他们的兴趣. 学院的学生享有一定的权利和特权, 除了学习的自由. However, these privileges carry with them an obligation to respect the rights and privileges of others, 并有义务遵守学院制定的规章制度, 它的各个机构, and its agents.




Students are always responsible for understanding their instructors’ individual attendance policies and dropping or withdrawing themselves from courses they are no longer attending.

  1. 学生可以在人口普查日期之前退学,也可以退学 通过50%点. 这可以在网上完成,亲自或通过电视.

  2. Students who cease attending after the 50% point should discuss with their instructor or a counselor the possibility of withdrawal for serious and compelling reasons.


Faculty must include in their syllabus a clear attendance policy (or participation policy for online classes) and 是否需要,及时, report the last date of attendance of any student who ceases attending a course at any point in the semester. Best practice would be to report any students who have not attended class or participated in an academic activity for two or more weeks without communication.

  1. Instructors report that students have ceased attending through Web Drop Entry in MyBC.

  2. Instructors must 提供最后一次出勤日期——这应该是学生最后一次:
      1. 是实际存在的
      2. 提交一份学术作业
      3. 参加考试或测验
      4. 参与互动式辅导或电脑辅助教学
      5. 参加一次关于学术问题的在线讨论
      6. initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question of an academically related matter pertinent to the course

  3. For online courses, participation is the only effective means to demonstrate attendance (登录到Canvas不足以建立最后出席日期-学生必须证明他或她参加了课程活动). See details on the 皇冠新现金网在线课程页面.


教师可以选择报告最后一次出勤日期, 不管学生是否同意, for any student who exceeds the allowable number of absences as defined in the instructor’s syllabus or has not met participation requirements as defined in an online instructor’s syllabus (see note about online courses in point “C” above).

当学生退出课程时, the date the student reports the drop or withdrawal to Admissions and Records becomes the last date of attendance.

当教师报告“最后一次出勤日期”时,” the date provided by the instructor (not the date of the report) will be the last date of attendance.

The “FW – Failing Withdrawal/Stopped Attending” is issued when a student ceases attending after the 8th week or 50% point of the course, 但是在决赛之前, 使学生成绩的学术评价不可行.

学生将被发给一个“NS - No Show”,” “DR – Drop,” “W – Withdrawal,” or “FW – Failing Withdrawal/Stopped Attending” based on the last date of attendance recorded and according to the following timeframes:





Serious & Compelling
or FW

Never Attended Primary Day1-Week 2 Week 3-8 Week 9-12 Week 13 - Final
Irregular 1-20% 21-50% 51-75% 76-99%
  *** Withdrawals recorded during weeks 9-12 or 51% through 75% require a “serious and compelling reason” as stated in the catalog. These drops require an instructor signed drop card be submitted to Admissions and Records. 否则,在此时间范围内取消注册将导致“FW”. Students wishing to withdrawal from all courses for serious and compelling reasons should make an appointment with a counselor.
  *** 超过课程75%的时候,学生可以申请延期退课. Students initiate this process in Counseling and must submit a written statement and proof of the justification for late withdrawal.

(***注:最后一次参加的日期是通过 grade 名单上总会有一个“FW”)

Withdrawals recorded during weeks 9-12 or 51% through 75% require a “serious and compelling reason” as stated in the catalog. These drops require an instructor signed drop card be submitted to Admissions and Records. 否则,在此时间范围内取消注册将导致“FW”. Students wishing to withdrawal from all courses for serious and compelling reasons should make an appointment with a counselor.




Academic Integrity

皇冠新现金网的学生和教师都致力于诚实, responsibility, 以及卓越的教与学, 在大学生活的各个方面建立学术诚信的文化.


Academic Dishonesty


Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through the use of dishonest, deceptive, 或者欺诈手段.


  • 在考试或独立作业中抄袭别人的答案.
  • Using unauthorized materials, technological devices, or concealed information during an exam.
  • Submission of the same assignment for more than one course without prior approval of all the instructors involved.
  • 改变或干扰评分的.


抄袭就是把别人的作品或想法当成自己的. 抄袭的例子包括但不限于以下内容:

  • Use of the ideas, conclusions, words, 或他人的其他知识产权,未经适当引用.
  • 把别人的工作当成自己的.
  • Copying media (especially images) from other websites to paste them into your own papers or websites without appropriate citation.



  • Bear full responsibility for the content and integrity of all academic work submitted.
  • Know and understand the definitions of and the college's policies on cheating and plagiarism.
  • 了解个别导师对研究的期望, homework, tests, papers, group work, 并使用为不止一节课准备的材料.


  • 不及格的在测试、论文或考试中得到不及格的分数.
  • 被留校察看.
  • 被纪律处分停职.

Student Due Process

  • A student has the right to appeal an instructor's determination of cheating or plagiarism.
  • The instructional dean will facilitate a meeting with the instructor and student or meet with the student to hear that student's appeal.
  • 如果教务长坚持对作弊的判定, 该学生的纪律后果依然存在.
  • The student may also pursue a grade challenge if the cheating determination is upheld if the student feels that the determination has had an unfair effect on his or her grade.





Butte-Glenn Community College does not permit discrimination or harassment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, 性别认同, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, 身体和/或精神残疾, medical condition, veteran status, 婚姻状况或其他受制度政策保护的特征, state, 当地或联邦法律. 学院重视公平和公平对待学院社区的所有成员. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies and Section 504 discrimination:

Curtis Pahlka

Chris Little


U.S. 教育部
FAX: 415-486-5570; TDD: 800-877-8339
Email: ocr.sanfrancisco@ed.gov

学术住宿: 学生有权要求合理修改学校的要求, services, 设施或项目 if a student’s documented disability imposes an educational limitation or impedes access to such requirements, services, 设施或项目. 要求修改的残疾学生, accommodation, or access to an auxiliary aid is required and responsible for identifying themselves to the instructor who should refer the student to the 残疾学生项目和服务 (DSPS) office.

Students can consult or request assistance from the DSPS Office regarding specific modifications, accommodations or use of auxiliary aids and will be required to meet timelines and procedural requirements established by the DSPS Office. 

Alternate Media: 本出版物可在其他媒体上获得. 有阅读障碍的学生 a visual limitation or reading difficulty that limits access to traditional print material -由学习障碍引起的, blindness, disease, medication, 或身体状况可能要求印刷材料在替代媒体格式, 附有适当的残疾证明文件. 替代媒体格式的例子包括:电子文本(e.g.(CD上的文本)、录音带、MP3文件、大字印刷品、触觉图形和盲文.

Contact DSPS for alternate media requests by calling 895-2455 [voice] or 895-2308 [TTY] or email at dsps@dijialbum.net. The DSPS office is open (M/W/TH), 7:30am-4:00pm; (T), 9:00am – 4:00pm; and (F) 8:00am-11:30am.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 |一般信息 (530) 895-2511

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