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The burden of moving smoothly from one 虽然t to another belongs to the writer. 当你写作时, your reader should never have to go to the trouble of puzzling out hidden connections between ideas; those connections should be readily apparent. You can help your reader see at a glance that a certain train of 虽然t is begun, 发达, 挑战, or completed by using word signals called 转换.

Good writers combine two transition techniques:

  • Using transitional words 和 phrases (such as 然而 or 此外) to make connections
  • Using 的地方ment of ideas to make connections (especially in longer papers)

Transitional words 和 phrases

转换 are words or phrases (此外, 例如, 不过, 事实上) that indicate how a statement in one sentence relates to a statement that precedes or follows. In the following example, the underlined 转换 signal 对比:

In the winter of 1973-74 drivers lined up all over America to fill their gas tanks. it was not merely a question of a fifteen-minute wait 和 back on the road 再一次。. 正相反, cars often began to congregate at dawn.

Transition words are most effective when they are 的地方d at the beginnings of sentences (虽然 they can 也 be used in the middle or at the end). The transition 下面 signals a shift to similarity:

类似的, walkers appeared early on frigid mornings with an empty five-gallon can in one h和 和 a pint of steaming coffee in the other, determined to wait out the chill 和 avoid disappointment.

The 下一个 passage uses a cause-和-effect transition:

Everybody had to wait. 结果是, high-school kids 太k Saturday morning jobs as gas line sitters; spouses drove their mates to work 和 spent the rest of the day in line, 和 libraries had a surge of activity as people decided to catch up on their reading while waiting.

In the final passage, 这 writer signals that she is summing up 和 concluding:

总之, Americans were at their best during that bizarre season, abiding by the new rules as if a 的地方 in the gas line had been guaranteed to everyone by the Bill of Rights.

In the lists 下面 you will find that some 转换 can do double duty, 信号, 例如, either 除了 or amplification, depending on the context:

To 添加 a 虽然t or to 显示顺序 in your own writing, use the following 转换:

再一次。 equally important in the 第一个 的地方 仍然
最后 最后的 然后
第一个 此外
然后 此外 下一个
除了 除了 第二个

To 放大 or 加强:

此外 此外
再一次。 进一步 除了
毕竟 甚至 事实上 真正的
有趣的是 这是真的 当然

显示 坚持:

事实上 事实上 是的 no


To 比较 或显示 相似:

in the same way 同样的 类似的

显示 让步:

授予 这是真的 当然 当然

显示 对比:

虽然 尽管 然而 notwithst和ing 仍然
然而, 即便如此 与此形成鲜明对比的是 正相反 虽然
at the same time 尽管 尽管 on the other h和
尽管如此 不过 不管 然而,


an illustration of 例如 具体地说
例如 事实上 为了说明

展示 重申:

这是 换句话说 in simpler terms to put it differently

显示 cause 和 effect or 结果:

相应的 因此 否则 因此 为此目的
结果是 for 这 purpose 于是 因此
因为 因此 然后 with 这 object

显示 time or 的地方:

以上 下面 以前 (附近) 随后
毗邻 早些时候 在这里 相反 在那里
之后 在其他地方 迄今为止 同时 这一次
at the same time 再远一点 晚些时候 到目前为止 直到现在

To 重复, 总结, or 结论:

总之 在短暂的 特别是 总之 因此
完全 总之 简而言之 总的来说 to put it differently
as has been said 换句话说 in simpler terms 这是 总结

Placement of ideas

Another strategy is to 的地方 older, previously stated ideas 第一个, followed by newer, just-introduced ideas. This is effective in essay 和 research papers (generally in pieces longer than a single paragraph).

In the following example, the 第二个 paragraph recaps the information contained in the 第一个 paragraph before going on to introduce a new idea:

Interestingly, in A Canticle for Leibowitz it is institutional religion itself that leads the struggle 再一次。st ignorance 和 superstition. The brothers of the Albertian Order of St. Leibowitz live their lives-和 sometimes lay those lives down-for the preservation of those fragments of written human knowledge that have survived both the nuclear holocaust 和 the Great Simplification.

While for generations the church alone values these relics of knowledge
, 这也是, 具有讽刺意味的是, the church alone that recognizes (as the new generation of scholar-scientists does not) that knowledge will not redeem man, or make him better, or make him wiser. The secular scholar Thon T添加eo sees the monks as lacking underst和ing of that which they preserve 和 himself as a seeker after underst和ing; 不过, it is Abbott Paulo, 不是T添加eo, who points out that 在那里 is no conflict between true religion 和 T添加eo's "refrangible property of light." In other words, it is the church that most clearly underst和s both the value 和 the proper limits of human knowledge.

The 以上 example combines 这 的地方ment technique with 转换 of emphasis, time, 除了, 对比, 和 重申; you, 太, may use every trick in the book to lead your reader along the path of your 虽然t.


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