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SUDS--Software Update and Desktop Security


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Phase 1--Spring 2017

Improved Antivirus and Patching

Data security continues to be the number one critical issue for all Higher Education institutions (see

Threats to our institutional, student, and personal data are on the rise, and it is imperative that every employee ensure maximum security for our campus data. This data can be in paper format, within insecure business processes, but risk mostly rests within a campus' computing environment. Employees are tasked with the responsibility to ensure the secure use and protection of our data--this is a big undertaking!

One of the easiest vectors to exploit is outdated campus desktop computers. Your IT staff recognizes that virus checking and keeping software patched can be tedious and confusing. To help alleviate this burden and better secure our campus computers, IT will be more proactive in helping you keep your desktop computer up to date and patched.

Introducing our Software Update and Desktop Security (SUDS) service! SUDS utilizes tools by Microsoft that will allow IT to better manage the scheduling, delivery, and tracking of windows operating systems, antivirus, and application updates. Additionally, we will be able to proactively monitor for virus outbreaks before they become pervasive, which protects the campus from a major data breach and saves hours of downtime and lost productivity.

What benefits does a campus user receive from SUDS?

  • Reliability: Your computer will quickly receive software updates and patches with little to no interaction on your part.

  • Time Efficiency: You will stay more productive as deployment and updating processes run in the background, freeing up more time for teaching, daily work, and management.

  • Flexibility: You can choose when and where (within specified time periods) to install new software or run maintenance on your computer.

  • Security: IT will manage the security of your machine so you don't have to. You can rest assured that software patches, antivirus protection, and firewalls are well maintained.

  • Confidentiality: Your data and files will remain confidential; no personal data is scanned, indexed, or transmitted off your computer. 

  • Compliance: Your computer will be in better compliance with requirements governing student data on College computers.


SUDS--Keeping our campus computers clean!


Updates will be provided on this page as the project is implemented (3/2017).

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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