


At some point in your college career you may be asked to review a non-fiction book to enable you to learn more about some aspect of your course work. 的 assignment is demanding because you are required to describe and evaluate an 作者's contribution to a subject that you may know little about. 你应该怎么做呢??

你的导师通常会提供一些指导, such as a suggested list of books or some guidelines to follow in selecting a work. 一般, you should try to find a relatively recent work of about 200-350 pages on some aspect of the course that particularly interests you.

你要描述一下这本书, 这是, 总结一些主要的兴趣点, 然后求值, 这是, 对它做出判断. 需要解决的领域包括:


  • 作者信息
  • 这本书的背景资料
  • 作者的目的是告知? 娱乐? 说服?
  • 作者的论文
  • 组织
  • Summary


  • 其他评论
  • 奖学金
  • 优势和劣势

稍后,您可能会决定省略其中一些要点. 的ir order may be changed, with more important or striking matters appearing first. 通常,描述部分首先出现在非小说类评论中, 尤其是在学术期刊上. All these 组织al decisions are subjective and can be revised as needed.

在读书的时候, take notes of the passages and their page numbers that relate to how you can describe and evaluate the work. 特别是, 留意论文陈述, 章总结, 引人注目的报价, 方法论讨论, 结论, 以及作者的建议. 如果你对是否要记笔记有疑问, 请记住,错误的做法是拥有太多, 而不是太少. 你可以删除那些不必要的注释.

有关 作者 may appear on 这本书 jacket or may be obtained or inferred from what is written in the preface. In order to determine to what extent the 作者 is an 作者ity on the subject, 你应该在图书馆做些调查,了解作者目前的地位, background, 经验, 和资格. Biographical sources such as the Biography Center in the GaleNet database will help you find this information. It need not be much, perhaps just a sentence; at most, it might consist of a short paragraph.

一本书的背景信息 由历史的, 社会学, 经济, scientific or other circumstances that may have influenced or contributed to its publication. This information may have some bearing on 这本书's importance or interest.

通常是作者的 目的–to amuse, inform, persuade-will be apparent from the preface or introduction.

论文 or central idea of 这本书 will probably be stated in the introduction or the conclusion. To gain an overview of 这本书 that will help you realize its 目的 and main ideas, 先读序言、引言和结束语.

组织 of non-fiction depends partly on what kind of non-fiction it is-philosophy? 生物学?部分是出于作者的目的. History, for example, might be organized either chronologically or around central issues. Or, 如果作者的目的是挑战一个广泛持有的立场, 他可能会选择逐点驳斥观点. 看一下目录,当你阅读的时候,回头看看它.

因为这很大程度上取决于你的听众, the summary may be one of the most difficult p艺术 of the review to write. 你是不是只给已经读过书的老师写, 或者熟悉, 这本书? 你是在为没读过的同学写吗? Or are you writing for other people who are not in the course and are therefore unfamiliar with the subject? 你的导师可以告诉你论文应该针对哪些读者. 的n you will be able to judge how thorough your summary should be and whether or not terms should be defined and points explained in detail.

同时,你收集信息来描述工作, 你应该考虑一下你对它的评价. 读一些 其他评论 of this book to inform your own opinion–what points did other reviewers address? Were professional reviewers unanimous in their evaluations, or did their opinions differ? 当然, any ideas or quotations obtained from these reviews should be attributed to their owners in your paper. 查阅已出版的书评, 请参考图书管理员帮你找到合适的索引, 或者查询在线数据库. Following is a partial list of the databases available to 皇冠新现金网 students:

  • 直接申请一般学科,包括健康, 人文学科, 科学, 社会科学, 艺术, 业务, 教育, 妇女和多元文化问题.
  • SIRS Researcher–for topics including science, history, politics, and global issues.
  • Wilson Web–for biographies, obituaries, science, 教育, current events, and social science.
  • galenet用于传记、作者、历史、科学和文学.
  • 健康参考中心-关于健康、医学和护理的主题.

Some online databases offer full text articles; others offer abstracts (summaries) and information on how to find the full text in other publications; you can quickly scan abstracts to determine which articles are most likely to be useful to you. 高级搜索功能允许您使用布尔运算符(和)进行搜索, or, 不)全文或摘要. You can also narrow your search to scholarly journals for better search results. (来自皇冠新现金网的主页,http://www.孤峰.edu, use the library links-search For Articles and select a database from the alphabetical list.)

的 print-version Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature (in the 皇冠新现金网 图书馆, (1959年至今)也可能有所帮助. 这个索引也总结并告诉你在哪里可以找到这些文本. 列出了它们出现的出版物的名称和日期, and you should be able to refer to your selected reviews with little effort. 不同的指数通常按年组织, but keep in mind that a work published late in the year might not be reviewed until the following year.

你可能会发现很难判断 奖学金 of a work or an 作者's expertise because of your limited understanding of the subject. But it does not require highly specialized knowledge to note what sources the 作者 uses (look for the notes or bibliography sections), 他提供了多少证据和什么样的证据, 或者他如何分析数据并证明他的结论是正确的. Read carefully to identify omissions, discernible bias, or unsupported generalizations. 例如,有人在评论一篇题为 福克兰群岛战争 would have little difficulty pointing out that this account of the 1982 war between Britain and Argentina is pro-British, 里面几乎没有关于阿根廷政客的信息, 参与者, 和目的.

当考虑一本书的 优势和劣势,讨论以下几点:

  • 写作的语气和风格
  • 这本书在其领域的重要性
  • 这本书对其目标读者的价值
  • 作者论证的有效性
  • 作者结论的合理性
  • 作者建议的实用性.

Your discussion 这本书's 优势和劣势 may overlap with your discussion of 奖学金. Plan to sort this out when revising your review so that your paper concludes with your general reaction. 如果你的整体评价是有利的, admit 这本书's few weaknesses first and conclude with its many strong areas. If unfavorable, name 这本书's strengths first and conclude with its numerous weaknesses.

提到任何特别有趣或难忘的观点或段落, 并引用本书来支持你的观点, 但要节约引用.

In your evaluation, you might reflect on how 这本书 relates to your course. Consider what issues, ideas, or institutions the 作者 criticizes or defends. 注意方法并评估它是如何塑造或限制主题的. 也, evaluate how well the 作者 has added to your knowledge and understanding of the subject, particularly how it supplements the ideas in the textbook and the views of your instructor.

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