

The Butte College Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department serves our community by providing diverse experiential learning opportunities in a progressive curriculum, 采用先进技术, 行业合作, and alumni support to prepare 学生 for productive futures in agriculture.


目前, the program has been relying on one full-time instructor that also is the only full-time instructor for Agriculture Business.  The instructor serves as the primary advisory role for each of these programs.  We expect to recruit two new full-time faculty positions, 2018年秋季学期开始的每个项目一个.  除了专职讲师, there are several part-time instructors teaching courses from entomology to animal science.  The Agriculture Science program is inclusive of animal science, 植物科学与一般农业. Program lacks hands-on opportunities on campus in areas of livestock handling, 管理与饲养. A farm plan is in the process of being developed to increase hands-on opportunities for our AGS curriculum and will be incumbent upon our faculty recruitment success this term.  


基于SLO单元结果, efforts are being made to increase the hands-on field based component throughout our AGS program curriculum.  另外, efforts are being made to increase course offerings in order to meet the high demand for AGS courses.  然而, this remains challenging for our lab based courses such as ASG 50 Soil Science due to the limited space availability

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


2012 = 90.5%
2013 = 90.2%
2014 = 76.6%
2015 = 84.3%
2016 = 86.0%

自2014年以来,我们的成功率一直在稳步攀升. 很难说是什么原因导致2014年的数字如此之低, it could have been staffing changes or any of a number of factors. I think that our efforts on advising 学生 and focus on student success has really helped to get our numbers back in line. 2014年发生了什么?? In 2012-2013 we believe that are numbers were extremely high due in part to the 学生 who were back in school due to the recession.


Aa / as = 10

AA / = 7

Aa / as = 7

AA / = 4

Aa / as = 4

The downward trend in degrees in AGS we believe is due to 学生 choosing to transfer before they complete all of their coursework and or entering the workforce. We are trying to advise and council our 学生 to stay in complete as that is in their best interest. 如何扭转这一趋势. We have reached out to the councilors to make certain that we collaborate on pushing the 学生 towards completions. We hold a PCA camp every Fall to attract 学生 from all over the North State to Butte College.

The AGS program and department as a whole are working to increase degree and certificate completion by actively advising 学生.


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)




The department has routinely assessed and altered course scheduling across our programs in order to meet the college's strategic direction of developing a student-centered schedule.  另外, we work closely with 学生 to ensure industry contact and workforce development throughout our programs. 

更具体地说, the AGS Department continues to support the college in meeting its strategic direction and priorities by:

Enhancing a culture of completion and academic achievement
1.a.1 Guided Pathways Model - the AGS Department advises our 学生 about timelines and course sequencing that are needed for degrees and transfers in a timely manner.
我们为学生安排合适的位置, 有效地建议他们, and ensure that they have educational plans in order to achieve optimal success.


1.c Entry - Collaborating effectively with K - 12 to set appropriate student expectations, 调整课程, 让学生为大学成功做好准备.  我们作为一个部门是活跃的. 在招聘, curriculum alignment and student success at the K-12 level by working closely with K-12 institutions active in our CATA region.

2.a.3. Student engagement - Providing effective electronically mediated communication (e.g. website, social media, marketing materials, wifi access).  We have developed program brochures and updated the program webpages with faculty profiles and current course listings.


In response to our program review we have enhanced our course offerings required for employment as Pest Control Advisors (PCA) and Certified Crop Advisors (CCA). 新增课程包括:EH 62杂草和入侵植物, EH 61植物保护材料, e60有害生物综合治理原则, 和AGS 51肥料和植物营养. 另外, 刚刚过去的2017-2018年, we have increased course sections offered in AGS 50 Soil Science. 



1.  Successful recruitment of additional full-time faculty member.

2.  为来年聘用的新教员提供支持.

3.  Strengthen collaboration with CSU Chico Ag program to enhance student pathways to 4 year universities.

4.  Develop a farm master plan in collaboration with all AGS/NRM programs.

5.  维护和建立现有的行业关系.


策略1 -增加农业人员的职位到100%

增加农业人员职位(农场经理), 嗯技术员, 和农场商店人员)都达到100%, 每周工作40小时.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强包容性文化


农业不会在下午5点停止,也不会在周末休息. It is critical that our ag staff members get their salaries and work time increased to 100% since their services are critical to the success of the faculty, 学生, 和整个农业部门. 当设备发生故障时, staff must be available to fix and maintain the equipment so classes 和实验室 can use it. These are the key support personnel that allows our department to continue to run smoothly. Faculty don't have the luxury of switching lab activities at the last minute because a piece of equipment is down or crops were not planted, 灌溉, 受精, 或喷.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

策略2 -购买最新的农业科学实验室设备

In order to prepare 学生 for careers in agricultural consulting (CCAs and PCAs), 研究以及外展/推广, the 农业科学 Department needs to secure the most up-to-date technological tools for analyzing crop and soil parameters. 

  • 建模的可持续性
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


随着AGS切片的增加, and in order to successful prepare 学生 for careers in agricultural consulting including Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) and PCAs, 研究以及外展/推广, the 农业科学 Department needs to secure the most up-to-date technological tools for analyzing crop and soil parameters to add rigor to the program.



Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

策略3 -改善农业设施和交通

There is a need for  construction of a new ag facility which includes an additional farm 商店, 农场经理办公室, 符合ADA标准的教室, 馆, 和厨房.

  • 建模的可持续性
  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


 我们的农场教室需要一个符合ada标准的教室, 设有教室的无障碍设施, 馆, 农场修理厂, 农场经理办公室, 厨房, 和卫生间. We are proposing a feasibility study to determine the costs and need for the Ag/Farm Facility, 估计是3美元,000,000.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

Strategy 4 - Increase number of paid work study 学生

增加联邦勤工俭学资金的拨款. These dollars are used to temporarily hire student assistants and provide valualbe hands on experience for our advanced 学生.

One thing all agriculturalists pride themselves on is their real-world, 地面部队, 实践经验. We want to give our 学生 as many of these opportunities as we can, 并为学生提供带薪实习岗位. These positions include both farm and ag science student workers.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习


Farm and ag science lab activities require the support of 学生 for setup, 除了农场, 商店, 和EH员工. There isn't enough time to go around to assist with all of the purchasing, 皮卡, 实验室的设置, so increasing our paid student work force would not only assist our staff, but would provide valuable work experience opportunities for our ag majors.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes

Strategy 5 - Conference and industry meeting participation

All of our 学生 benefit when our staff and faculty participate in current industry 会议, 在使用中的, 和会议. Three of our staff hold required applicator's licenses which must be renewed every two years, and these staff must attend mandatory 培训 to keep up these licenses. Two of our faculty hold PCA and CCA licenses which also must be renewed every two years. 

It would be to the benefit of the department and college as a whole to have faculty participate in data analysis 培训 and software purchase, 拥有数据工具, 以及使用这些工具的专业知识, 进行有意义的项目评审, 单元计划, 并落实学生学习成果.

  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement


Ag Department staff need to attend ag industry conferences, 会议, and 在使用中的 to maintain currency in their disciplines, 教室, 和实验室. 随着不断变化的需求和技术的工业, it's critical to the success of our 学生 that all staff are current in their disciplines.

作为研究人员和科学家, there is tremendous opportunity to learn more about our student population, 他们的专业, 他们的背景, 潜在的招聘网站, and connect that information to careers and funding opportunities. 拥有额外的研究工具, 培训, and data analysis software will helps you construct a narrative and interactively share findings in ways colleagues and decision makers can readily understand and act upon.

Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No











最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 AGS 人员 $0.00 $25,000.00
Return Ag Staff positions to 100%: Farm Manager, Nursery Manager, Mechanics 农业不会在下午5点停止,也不会在周末休息. It is critical that our ag staff members get their salaries and work time increased to 100% since their services are critical to the success of the faculty, 学生, 和整个农业部门. 当设备发生故障时, staff must be available to fix and maintain the equipment so classes 和实验室 can use it. These are the key support personnel that allows our department to continue to run smoothly. Faculty don't have the luxury of switching lab activities at the last minute because a piece of equipment is down or crops were not planted, 灌溉, 受精, 或喷.
  • 职业和技术教育-帕金斯
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
2 AGS 人员 $0.00 $12,000.00
增加带薪实习学生的数量 Farm and ag science lab activities require the support of 学生 for setup, 除了农场, 商店, 和EH员工. There isn't enough time to go around to assist with all of the purchasing, 皮卡, 实验室的设置, so increasing our paid student work force would not only assist our staff, but would provide valuable work experience opportunities for our ag majors.
  • 学生权益
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
3 AGS 营业费用 $16,000.00 $0.00
Professional Development: Conference and industry meeting participation All of our 学生 benefit when our staff and faculty participate in current industry 会议, 在使用中的, 和会议. Three of our staff hold required applicator's licenses which must be renewed every two years, and these staff must attend mandatory 培训 to keep up these licenses. All three of our faculty hold either PCA and CCA licenses which also must be renewed every two years. It would be to the benefit of the department and college as a whole to have faculty participate in data analysis 培训 and software purchase, 拥有数据工具, 以及使用这些工具的专业知识, 进行有意义的项目评审, 单元计划, 并在农业科学中实施学生学习成果. Ag Department staff need to attend ag industry conferences, 会议, and 在使用中的 to maintain currency in their disciplines, 教室, 和实验室. 随着不断变化的需求和技术的工业, it's critical to the success of our 学生 that all staff are current in their disciplines. 会议和会议用品包括CATA(8000美元), CAPCA和DPR ($3800), 人民币(5700美元), 表(5200美元), 和SoftChalk(3200美元).
  • 职业和技术教育-帕金斯
  • 招募、雇用和留住多元化的员工队伍
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
4 AGS 设备 $10,400.00 $0.00
实验室测试包 These supply needs include professional soil and plant tissue testing kits, 数据记录器, 植物病理学实验室试剂盒, 天气和降水数据的收集和分析, and a class set of laptop computers loaded with appropriate software on mobile cart storage. These outfits come with a multitude of testing capabilities related to soil and plant tissue nutrient status as well as for assessing soil quality indicators and weather station data. Students would directly benefit from experience using this equipment in a way that applies concepts learned in the classroom.
  • 职业和技术教育-帕金斯
  • 教学设备
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
5 AGS 设备 $825.00 $0.00
昆虫学设备 The maintenance of the Ag Department insect collection against predator and cannibal insects requires fumigant bands which need to replaced in each insect collection drawer in both cabinets. These fumigant bands reduce damaging pest insect populations which will ultimately destroy the collection if not kept in check. 我们还将要求更换蚊帐, 扩散板, 瓶, and collection boxes for the Ag Department Insect Collection.
  • 职业和技术教育-帕金斯
  • 教学设备
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
  • 满足学生成就的标准和目标
6 AGS 设备 $18,000.00 $0.00
工具和设备,包括电动工具和手动工具 We believe that using industry standard equipment is vital and our 学生 need this exposure to maximize their employment potential in a safe 培训 environment, 包括在我们的拖拉机上使用GPS技术. 设备 needed includes hand power tools such as weed eaters, 链锯, all-terrain-vehicle (ATV), 转子锤, GPS传感器, 和MIG焊机.
  • 教学设备
  • 定期维修(设施)
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)
7 AGS 设施 $468,000.00 $0.00
Improved ag facilities and accessibility in the Mechanized Agriculture Building There is a need for the construction of a new ag facility which includes an additional farm 商店, 农场经理办公室, 符合ADA标准的教室, 馆, 和厨房. Depending on the vendors and construction supplier (external or through Butte College Heavy 设备 Operation 学生 and staff), 建筑成本各不相同. Improvements to the ag yard do not include the design and construction of a new Ag/Farm Our farm is in need of an ADA-compliant, 设有教室的无障碍设施, 馆, 农场修理厂, 农场经理办公室, 厨房, 和卫生间. We are proposing a feasibility study to determine the costs and need for the Ag/Farm Facility.
  • 职业和技术教育-帕金斯
  • 教学设备
  • 定期维修(设施)
  • 学生权益
  • Maintaining ongoing operations at current levels (excludes grants)