

激励学者的目标是帮助现在和以前的寄养青年进入大学, 继续读大学, and reach their academic goals- be that an associate's degree, certificate or transfer to another college or university. 


皇冠新现金网的寄养青年计划为在13岁生日或之后接受寄养的、目前未满25岁的皇冠新现金网学生提供支持. Activities include bringing about campus-wide awareness, 员工培训, supporting the priority registration process for FY, developing academic support programs focused on the needs of current or former FY, and maintaining a center designated specifically for FY. 该项目还开展外展活动,帮助比尤特及周边郡县的青少年进入大学,并与有兴趣支持青少年进入大学并取得成功的机构合作.   

Accountability for Previously Funded Items


设备- 5个

数额: 3200.00
用于预定目的: 是的

Students utilize these computers daily to complete homework. For Fall of 2015 the computer lab sign-in sheet was signed 371 times.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

“学生公平计划”为“青年培育计划”设定了以下预期成果:将课程完成率提高6%, increase basic skills course 完成 by 6%, increase degree/certificate 完成 by 3%, and increase transfer rates by 3%. 根据2013年秋季的数据,上述目标预计将在三年内实现. 该计划还希望看到寄养青年的基准平均绩点从1增加.6 to 2.0 over the same three year period. 另一个预期的结果是,由于外展和教育的努力,校园内的寄养青年人数会增加. 预计到2016年秋季,比特学院的寄养青年人数将增加25%.


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

To meet Butte College's achievement standards, 鼓舞人心的学者 will:




Not applicable, no program review.


激励学者计划的目标是提高校园寄养青年的坚持度和完成率. 我们也有兴趣通过帮助他们完成入学和注册过程,为寄养青年增加进入皇冠新现金网的机会.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Develop a Mentoring Program

Develop a mentoring program for foster youth

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness


Mentoring has proven to have positive impacts on student outcomes including, 保留, 完成, 平均绩点, 毕业, 和转让. Most foster youth lack positive role models in their lives. 有一个导师来示范行为,导致在教育和/或就业目标的实现,将有助于提高我们的培养青年的教育成果,这将导致增加自尊, improved mental health and financial independence.    

支持的理由 Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Operating Budget

Establish a budget for operating expenses

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success


General office supplies are needed for staff; toner, 纸, 等. We also need a budget for postage, computer repairs, 等.

支持的理由 Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 3 - Increase Dedicated Academic Counseling to 23 Hours

目前,每周有8小时的学术顾问. This is insufficient to meet current student needs.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning


Dedicated academic counseling will hopefully lead to increase 保留, faster course 完成 and 毕业 rates, and a more meaningful college experience for foster youth at Butte College.

支持的理由 Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 4 - Summer Bridge for Foster Youth


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness


Foster youth entering Butte College are apparently unprepared for college, as demonstrated by their academic outcomes. 研究发现,夏季桥梁项目对学生的学习成绩有显著的积极影响. 为寄养青年实施暑期桥项目将有助于实现学生平等目标以及皇冠新现金网的总体目标.

支持的理由 Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 5 - 供应 for Students

Purchase supplies and 学生读物 as needed.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success


Occasionally, students are in need of supplies to get started.  他们经常在没有任何资源的情况下使用,甚至没有开学所需的基本用品(笔), 笔用, 绑定, 纸, 背包).  因为他们的生活中可能没有人帮助他们为大学做准备, 或者他们因为转学而错过了高中的助学金活动, their financial aid is not ready when school begins.  For this reason, it would also be helpful to have funding for books.  While we strive to get them connected to all resources available, 他们在第一学期并不总是有参加EOPS项目所需的单元,所以他们没有书本资源.

支持的理由 Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 6 - Hire a Program Assistant or Special Programs Clerk


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning


鼓舞人心的学者 has grown tremendously since being established in October 2014. The program has seen nearly 100 more students taking advantage of program offerings. 另外, 许多社区成员现在正在寻求帮助,将现在和以前的寄养青年与皇冠新现金网联系起来. 学生需求的增长对目前的人员配备来说是一个挑战——一个全职项目协调员和一个兼职秘书. 另外, 该项目计划在未来一年大幅扩展,创建一个指导项目, 夏季桥牌项目, and increases in 外展 and recruitment. 需要一个全职的项目助理来协助协调和监督这些新项目, 随着学生和社区成员的需求预计将持续增长.

支持的理由 Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 7 - Increase Program Secretary's Hours


  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success


鼓舞人心的学者 has grown tremendously since being established in October 2014. The program has seen nearly 100 more students taking advantage of program offerings. 另外, 许多社区成员现在正在寻求帮助,将现在和以前的寄养青年与皇冠新现金网联系起来. 学生需求的增长对目前的人员配备来说是一个挑战——一个全职项目协调员和一个兼职秘书. 另外, 该项目计划在未来一年大幅扩展,创建一个指导项目, 夏季桥牌项目, and increases in 外展 and recruitment. 项目秘书无法满足每周24小时的工作要求, as evidenced by her many hours of CTO time. 此外,她的协调协助将是必不可少的夏季桥.

支持的理由 Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 8 - Hire 学生助理

Hire two student assistants for a total of 30 hours per week.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success


The Program Coordinator position is only 24 hours per week.  It is important to have someone in the department at all times.  He is expected to participate in management activities, 外展, 帮助, 校外培训, events offered by the funders, 等.  让学生在自习室工作将是非常有帮助的,也有利于学生自己.  The student assistants would also serve as ambassadors for the program.

支持的理由 Alignment
Supports Previous 项目评审 Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources


沃尔特年代. Johnson Foundation: $33,508 Annually until December 2016

学生权益 Funding- Program Coordinator's Salary and 好处s

SSSP Funding-Academic Counsor's hours for program


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 Potential Alternative Funding Sources 优先级标准
1 鼓舞人心的学者 人员 待建立 52110 $0.00 $57,375.00
Dedicated Academic Counselor for Foster Youth Dedicated academic counseling will hopefully lead to increase 保留, faster course 完成 and 毕业 rates, and a more meaningful college experience for foster youth at Butte College.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • Placing students appropriately, 为他们提供有效的建议, and ensuring that they have educational plans
  • 提高访问, 成功, 并通过实施学生公平计划来完成目标学生群体
2 鼓舞人心的学者 人员 待建立 52368 $0.00 $10,830.00
学生助理 Needed to support 外展, 帮助 and the study area. Thirty hours/week for 38 weeks. Included wage increase effective January 2016.
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • 提高访问, 成功, 并通过实施学生公平计划来完成目标学生群体
3 鼓舞人心的学者 人员 待建立 52190 $0.00 $80,316.00
Hire a full-time program assistant or special programs clerk 鼓舞人心的学者 has grown tremendously since being established in October 2014. The program has seen nearly 100 more students taking advantage of program offerings. 另外, 许多社区成员现在正在寻求帮助,将现在和以前的寄养青年与皇冠新现金网联系起来. 学生需求的增长对目前的人员配备来说是一个挑战——一个全职项目协调员和一个兼职秘书. 另外, 该项目计划在未来一年大幅扩展,创建一个指导项目, 夏季桥牌项目, and increases in 外展 and recruitment. 需要一个全职的项目助理来协助协调和监督这些新项目, 随着学生和社区成员的需求预计将持续增长.
  • 学生权益
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • 提高访问, 成功, 并通过实施学生公平计划来完成目标学生群体
  • 完善支持服务,满足在线学生和校外中心学生的需求
4 鼓舞人心的学者 人员 待建立 52120 $0.00 $30,863.00
Increase Program Secretary's Hours 鼓舞人心的学者 has grown tremendously since being established in October 2014. The program has seen nearly 100 more students taking advantage of program offerings. 另外, 许多社区成员现在正在寻求帮助,将现在和以前的寄养青年与皇冠新现金网联系起来. 学生需求的增长对目前的人员配备来说是一个挑战——一个全职项目协调员和一个兼职秘书. 另外, 该项目计划在未来一年大幅扩展,创建一个指导项目, 夏季桥牌项目, and increases in 外展 and recruitment. 项目秘书无法满足每周24小时的工作要求, as evidenced by her many hours of CTO time. 此外,她的协调协助将是必不可少的夏季桥.
  • 学生权益
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • 直接支持达到院系的学生成绩标准/目标和/或支持学院达到学生成绩标准和/或目标
  • 提高访问, 成功, 并通过实施学生公平计划来完成目标学生群体
5 鼓舞人心的学者 营业费用 待建立 54500 $0.00 $1,000.00
供应 Funding needed for basic operating expenses; printer 纸, printer cartridges, postage, 等.
  • 学生权益
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • 提高访问, 成功, 并通过实施学生公平计划来完成目标学生群体
6 鼓舞人心的学者 待建立 54500 $0.00 $2,000.00
学校用品 & 学生读物 To support students whose financial aid is not yet available.
  • 学生权益
  • 解决学生学习(或行政单位)成果评估期间发现的不足
  • 提高访问, 成功, 并通过实施学生公平计划来完成目标学生群体